首页> 中文期刊>湖南工业大学学报(社会科学版) >戏谑者的狂欢·启蒙者的呐喊·孤独者的爱--魏剑美杂文的三个面相




魏剑美的杂文呈现出丰富而多元的面相。戏谑者的姿态是他反抗当下社会的文化逻辑和运作程序的独特方式,也透露出在这个讲道理时代里言说的艰难与无奈。他的戏谑总是要回归一个启蒙者的立场,在对人的主体意识与独立人格的呼唤上,魏剑美实现了与西方启蒙主义和现代知识分子之间的精神沟通。这样的启蒙者,同时也是一位孤独者,宏大叙事的消解使他不可能再大声疾呼自己的主张和理想,而只能在“思想的独舞”或“心灵独语”中表达对世间的爱。%Wei Jianmei’s essays show abundant and multiple faces.The attitude of joking,as his unique way to resist our society’s cultural logic and its working process,unfolds the difficulty and helplessness of expressing in this era.Since the joking always leads to an enlightener’s standpoint,Wei Jianmei’s essays accomplish a sort of mental communication between western enlightenment and intellectuals in modern China in the call for human’s subjectivity and independence.The enlightener at the same time is a loner.The negation of grand narrative de-prives him of any possibility to loudly advocate his opinion and ideal.What leaves him to do is to express his love for the world in the “solo dance of the thoughts”and “monologue of the soul”.



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