首页> 中文期刊>湖南工业大学学报(社会科学版) >晚清来华传教士对西法的译介研究




因列强各国的外事交涉,晚清政府由最初被迫接触西法知识逐渐走向主动效仿西法规制。传播西法的主体是来华新教传教士,他们在鸦片战争之前就通过译介西史和编纂词典等方式陆续输入西法概念,之后重点译介国际公法,促成晚清新式外交理念的形成,甲午战后则偏重部门法和宪政类法律著作的译介。西方法学思想和法律制度的引入,对动摇晚清传统律例观念的影响可谓沦肌浃髓,对清末法制改革的贡献可谓居功至伟。%With more and more dealing of foreign affairs with western countries especially under the pressure of force,Late Qing government had to gradually touch and learn western laws.Missionaries in China had introduced western legislative concepts before the Opium War,and after that they mainly translated works of international laws,which helped to shape new diplomatic ideas in that era.From the Sino-Japan War to the end of Qing Dy-nasty,emphasis was laid on the introduction of various Department Laws and constitutional laws.The introduction and translation of western legal theories,laws and systems had great influence on the decline of Chinese conven-tional laws and the legal reformation.It was doomed with historical limitations but objectively promoted the modern legal process.



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