首页> 中文期刊>湖北函授大学学报 >浅析高职院校学生突发事件心理危机干预




Emergency of vocational college students not only do harm to students'physical and mental health,harmony and sta-bility even on the surrounding students physical and mental health and the whole school will have a negative effect.And the timely and effective psychological crisis intervention can alleviate the damage sustained and low loss.Taking Yangzhou Poly-technic Institute as an example,combined with the school emergency case to summarize the practice of student emergency psy-chological crisis intervention in recent years,explored the psychological crisis intervention mechanism in line with the actual students Yang Institute of technology,and from the psychological intervention team construction of the existing school students emergency psychological crisis intervention mechanism complement.%高职院校学生突发事件的发生不仅对学生本人的身心健康产生危害,甚至对周边同学的身心健康乃至整个学校的和谐稳定也会产生负面效应,而及时、有效、持续的心理危机干预能缓解损害、降低损失。本文以扬州工业职业技术学院为例,结合该校突发事件案例总结其近年来学生突发事件心理危机干预的具体做法,探索出了符合扬工院学生实际的心理危机干预机制,并从心理干预队伍建设入手对现有的该校学生突发事件心理危机干预机制做有益补充。



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