首页> 中文期刊>湖北工程学院学报 >一种基于图形可视化的编译原理计算机辅助教学系统




编译原理的很多算法,由于复杂抽象,学习者较难掌握,目前常用的 FLEX、YACC等系统由于界面不友好等原因,难以普及应用。针对编译原理算法的特征提出了一种新的编译原理CAI系统的架构,该架构具有图形可视和高可扩展性的优点。以LL(1)语法分析为例,对本架构的界面层、算法逻辑层、数据模型层之间的接口关系和逻辑调用关系进行了说明,并基于数值表达式进行了实验,结果表明本架构具有高可扩展性,可以实现定制化的编译原理CAI系统。%Many compiler principle algorithms are complicated and abstract ,so it is hard for the learn‐ers to understand their principles .Several commonly used compiler principle CAI tools such as FLEX and YACC ,however ,are not user‐friendly and therefore can be popular in application .This paper proposes a new scalable graphical visualization based on compiler principle CAI architecture ,in w hich the LL(1) algorithm is taken as an example to illustrate how the UI‐layer ,Algorithm Logic Layer , and Data Model Layer are implemented to interact with each other .Finally ,a syntax analysis experi‐ment on numerical expression is carried out to verify the scalability of the proposed new architecture . The proposed method can be used to customize a CAI system of the compiler principle .



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