首页> 中文期刊>华中科技大学学报(社会科学版) >《民法总则》中新兴权利客体'个人信息'与'数据'的区分




The General Provisions of Civil Law stipulates personal information and data separately with open and authorized legislation.It is so difficult to distinguish the personal information from data that they have both property and personal elements. From the adjustment object of civil law, personal information rights and data rights belong to different bundles of rights which are personality and property rights.With the development of science and technology, the right of personal information is gradually getting a distinction from the right of privacy,However, in order to prevent its over-commercialization, a restricted legislative protection mode should be adopted. Data,as invisible object,exists in computer field which is similar to virtual property. The civil object of data should be protected by open legislation,and refine that of utilization and transaction.%《民法总则》以开放式、授权式的立法分别规定了个人信息与数据,作为同时具备财产要素和人身要素的权利,两者容易混淆.顺着民法的调整对象展开,个人信息权与数据权分属于人格权和财产权不同的权利束.随着科技发展,个人信息权与隐私权相互区分,但为了防止其过度商品化应该采取限缩式的立法保护模式.数据存在于计算机场域,与虚拟财产具有同质性,属于无体物,应该采用开放式的立法,明确其民事客体的地位并细化数据的利用、交易规则.



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