首页> 中文期刊>衡水学院学报 >董仲舒故里乃河北省枣强县考证




董仲舒家的老宅院董子庄园就在今枣强县前后王寿至后旧县村一带,所以董仲舒的故里应为河北省枣强县。证据资料略举一二:县志记载清楚有序;地域称谓史料记载明确,民间流传至今;国家正史类的主要工具书,学生教材明注董仲舒为枣强人;董氏家庙、家谱、谱书、祭祖铁证如山;董仲舒故乡的人民群众对前哲世代景仰。%Dongzi Manor, Dong Zhongshu’s old family house, is located among Qianwangshou village, Houwangshou village and Houjiuxian village in Zaoqiang county, so his native place should be Zaoqiang county, Hebei Province. The following are the data to prove it: it is clearly and orderedly recorded in the annals of the county; it is clearly recorded in the historical data of regional address and has been handed down to nowadays in the countryside; it is clearly annoted in the main national reference books of official history and the teaching materials for students; it is definitely proved by the Dongs’ temple, family tree, the book of family trees and their ancestor worship; the people in his native place respect and admire the sage of the past generation after generation.



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