首页> 中文期刊> 《合肥师范学院学报》 >英语专业学生自主管理英语阅读学习行为研究




In view of the significance of leaner autonomy in managing EFL Reading, the article, based on the framework of learner autonomy at the learning management level, aims to discuss the autonomous behaviors of English majors for their learning management in EFL reading, with particular reference to prereading planning, while-reading monitoring and post-reading evaluation. It is also revealed from the study that self-efficacy, dependency on the traditional teaching modes and ambiguity in motivation and strategy are three major factors that influence their autonomy in the learning process. Hence, the students can be trained to be prepared, both psychologically and strategically, for learner autonomy in EFL reading.%鉴于自主学习行为的重要性,运用问卷和访谈手段,在自主管理学习层面上,结合英语阅读学习的具体情况,从读前计划、读中监控、读后评估三个方面具体考察学生在英语阅读学习中的自主性行为状况及行为差异,从而在英语阅读教学中有的放矢的训练学生在心理和策略上作好自主管理学习的准备。



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