首页> 中文期刊> 《哈尔滨学院学报》 >汉代赋颂关系析论




In Han dynasty , ode and Fu ( descriptive prose interspersed with verse ) were close in form,which may be the result of the latter on the former or due to the fact that the style of ode was not mature enough then and dependent on Han Fu .Ode was addressed as Fu in Han considering that Fu was more inclusive;when Fu was called ode to highlight the subject of “de-scriptive” and “beauty priority” in fu;another reason was that the two words shared some meanings.In Han,they were called “Fusong”.There are possibly three reasons:(1) the both genres are in the “six poems”;(2) they were both court literature;(3) ode was more depend-ent on Fu then .%汉代颂与赋体貌接近,这一方面和汉赋文体对颂体的影响有关,另一方面则是由于颂的文体规范尚未形成,颂论多依附赋论。汉代存在赋、颂混称和连称的现象。汉人称颂为赋,是由于汉代赋在广义上包含颂;称赋为颂,一是为强调赋中“述形容”且“美盛德”的内容,二是由于“赋”“颂”字义有相通点。汉代“赋颂”连称,原因有三:一是赋与颂并在“六诗”之中,“六诗”之名,后来多两两相合;二是由于赋、颂在汉代皆属宫廷文学,宫廷作家多赋、颂兼擅;三是汉代颂论对赋论的依附。



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