首页> 中文期刊>广东外语外贸大学学报 >基于两个版本对比分析的汉语流行语英译策略探析




Buzzwords are by no means language symbols only. They are the microcosm of the change and development in the society, recording social phenomena and epochal changes in an all-round way. Academically, they have become one of the highlights in linguistics and socio-linguistics studies. This article makes a detailed comparison of the research findings of two versions of Chinese buzzwords on the basis of an overall elaboration. It argues that the study of Chinese buzzwords is of great importance to C-E translation, in particular the translation of Chinese news reports in the international communication context since translation plays a key role in international communication which relies heavily on the use of language as a medium.%流行语不仅仅是语言符号,它们是社会变化发展的缩影,全方位地记录了社会现象和时代变迁。从学术角度看,流行语已经成为语言学及社会语言学的研究重点之一。本文对我国两个不同版本的汉语流行语研究结果进行了分析、阐述和比较,同时强调了重视对汉语流行语的研究有利于我们进一步做好汉英翻译、尤其是对外传播翻译,促进中国文化走出去的国家战略,增强国家文化软实力扩大中国的国际影响力和话语权。



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