首页> 中文期刊>广东第二师范学院学报 >“世界性”的差异表述——1980年代以来中国内地、新马和香港文学期刊的华文文学传播




The idea of cosmopolitan was widely accepted by the literary journals of the mainland of China,Singapore and Malaysia,Hong Kong since 1980,which aroused attention to the Hua Wen Literature outside.But the ways to deduce the idea of cosmopolitan remained different affected by regional context.From ideological demand to literary standard,the literary journals of the mainland of China have given a broad space for development for Hua Wen Literature outside,but at the same time showed a pressure to them for mainland′s position is dominant compared with the edge.Hua Wen Literature overseas(include Chinese literature) was taken both as the resource to develop native literary in JiaoFeng of Malaysia,and the anxiety of influence,both of which survived with conflict in the journals.Hong Kong′s literature pursued the interaction between Hongkongness and cosmopolitan,and tried to reconstruct the regional Hua Wen Literature and showed a liquid picture of Chinese literature all over the world.%1980年代以来,中国内地、新马和香港文学期刊都凸显了"世界性"的传播理念,开始关注本土以外的华文文学。但其演绎"世界性"的方式却深受区域语境之影响。从意识形态诉求到文学性标准,中国内地文学期刊在为各区域华文文学留下了拓展空间之时又显现了中心对边缘有意无意间的挤压。马来西亚的《蕉风》在少数族裔文化主体性建构的困境之中,将"海外"的华文文学(包括中国文学)既看成推动本土文学发展的源泉,又视为影响的焦虑,两者在对立中共存。《香港文学》则追求香港性和世界性之互动契合,以去中心化的策略不断重组各区域华文文学,形塑了流动的世界华文文学画卷。



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