首页> 中文期刊>阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版) >武德对大学生行为的教化与规训




大学生肩负时代使命,要德才兼备、情理兼修,就离不开文化的教化与引导。武德是武术文化的精髓,其强调尊师重道、重义守信、立身正直、谦和仁爱,是武术人习武立命、行走江湖的依靠。针对大学生存在的各类行为失范现象,通过强化传统美德、规范生活秩序、培养精英意识、引导义举行为等方式,引导大学生以武德为自己行为的准则,在武德的浸润中提升、提纯自己。%College students shoulder the missions of the times and should be equipped with morals and talents as well as sense. Cultural education and guidance lead to it. Martial virtue is the pith of martial arts. It emphasizes honoring the teachers and respecting their lessons, keeping promise, being righteous, amiable and kind, which are the pillars of practicing Kungfu and making a living. Aiming at the phenomenon of various nonstandard behaviors of college students, the paper seeks to guide students to take martial virtues as their morality for their own behavior, to improve themselves by intensifying the traditional virtues, standardizing the order of life, cultivating etite consciousness and guiding the behavior of act etc.



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