首页> 中文期刊>教育学报 >学前教育三年行动计划实施效果调查--基于内部利益相关者评价的视角




__摘_在国家启动第二期学前教育三年行动计划之际,采用目的性取样,调查园长、教师、学前教育行政管理者三类内部利益相关者对第一期学前教育三年行动计划执行情况的看法与评价,包括实施成效、存在的不足和知情程度。结果显示,政府管理职能和弱势群体扶助的落实是其最显著的成效,而不足主要体现在教师生存与发展的权益保障、财政投入体制、农村学前教育普及与建设、办园体制改革等方面。探讨一期三年行动计划的效益性、透明性和民主性,客观反映内部利益相关者的评价与心声,有助于为新一期三年行动计划提供参考,为更好地进行科学化、民主化的决策和提供能使各方获取最优利益的学前教育政策提供决策依据。%Before starting the second phase of the national early childhood education three-year action plan,the study adopted purposive sampling and focused on the evaluation of three types of internal stake-holders—principals of kindergarten,kindergarten teachers,and administrators in the bureau of educa-tion—on the implementation of the first phase of the national early childhood education three-year action plan,including effects,deficiencies and informed ratios.The results show that the most significant effects were administrative functions and assistance to the disadvantaged groups,while the deficiencies were teachers’rights protection,financial investment system,rural early childhood education development and kindergarten reform.Therefore,the discussion about the benefits,transparency and democracy of the plan and the objective reflecting of the evaluation and view of internal stakeholders could provide a reference for the second phase of the three-year action plan and provide evidence to improve scientific decision-making and democratic decision-making,and to optimize the benefits of internal stakeholders.



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