首页> 中文期刊>大连大学学报 >敦煌写卷《毛诗》P.2529号异文例释




敦煌唐写本P.2529号卷子系现存敦煌写本《诗经》中篇幅最长者,并被认为是"依六朝善本"抄成。从文字学的角度予以考释,发现其中的"古文"、"籀文",不仅有利于对《毛诗》原文意义的理解,而且对研究汉字的古音、古义和最初的形义关系都有重要的实证意义。本字、源字、正字为准确理解诗句意义,厘清学界争议提供了有力的证据。此外,其中的通假字和简体字,对于研究古音通假和汉字形体的发展演变也具有重要意义。%The Dunhuang handwriting copy Mao Shi P.2529 of the Tang Dynasty is the longest existing handwriting copies,which is considered as the copy transcribed according to the versions of the Six Dynas-ties.The author of this paper analyzes ten varia lectio from the perspective of philology,in which the ancient writings and Zhouwen are found.This discovery not only contributes to understanding the original text of Mao Shi,but also has the positivist significance to study the old Chinese phonology,ancient meaning and initial relation of grapheme and sense.The original characters,sources characters and standardized characters provide convincing evidence for understanding the poetry exactly and di?erentiating varieties of controversies in the academic circle.Furthermore,Tongjia characters and simpli?ed characters are of great signi?cance to study the development of old Chinese phonology and grapheme of character.



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