首页> 中文期刊>大连大学学报 >由亨廷顿与福山的文化争论探讨国内政治文化的发展途径




冷战结束后,塞缪尔·亨廷顿和弗朗西斯·福山关于文化在国际关系中的位置争论倍受关注。亨廷顿认为每一种文化都有一个坚硬的内核,文明的冲突是不可避免的,非西方国家可能会发生民主化,但绝对不可能西方化。而福山的核心观点则是文化是可以改变的,世界各国迟早都会走向西方式的民主。我国的政治文化策略应既注重对西方民主文化精髓的借鉴和吸收,又要保持我国政治文化的民族风格与气派,提高本土政治文化的吸收能力,坚持政治文化教育的民族性,提升国家文化软实力,建设具有中国特色的政治文化。%  After the Cold War, the debate between Samuel Huntington and Francis Fukuyama about the status of culture in international relations drew a wide attention. Huntington believed that every culture has a hard core and civilized conflict is inevitable;non-Western countries may initiate democratization but never westernization. On the contrary, Fukuyama held that culture can be changed and the world will sooner or later move toward a western-style of democracy. The paper suggests that China’s political culture strategy should not only borrow and absorb the western democratic cultural essence, but also maintain its own national style and flair, in order to improve its absorption ability of the local political culture, to adhere to the nationality of its political cultural education, and to enhance its soft power of the national culture, developing a political culture with Chinese characteristics.



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