首页> 中文期刊> 《大连理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 >论环境公益诉讼赔偿金的法律属性与所有权归属




环境公益诉讼赔偿金是传统民法的"赔偿损失"这一责任承担方式在环境公共利益方面的体现,其在弥补环境损害、惩罚环境污染责任主体的同时,还兼具实现环境价值利益的目标.与之相对应,其请求范围包括应急措施费用、调查评估和环境修复费用等.然而在实践中,环境公益诉讼赔偿金的用途和管理方式均存有较大分歧,这是因为其法律属性与所有权归属问题的争议较大.环境公益诉讼赔偿金的法律属性所带来的问题是其所有权归属主体存在争议,这种争议影响环境公益诉讼赔偿金使用及管理.虽然国家不享有环境修复费用进而不是环境公益诉讼赔偿金的所有权主体,但国家应当对环境公益诉讼赔偿金进行代位管理,以保障其真正用于生态环境治理.%The compensation for environmental public interest litigation is an implementation of the"compensa-tion for loss"of traditional civil law in the public interest of environmental protection.It not only compensates for the environmental damage,but also punishes polluters with a view to achieving the goal of environmental value.Correspondingly,the scope of request includes contingency measure cost,investigation and assessment costs and environmental restoration cost.However,because of the controversy between its legal attributes and ow nership attributions,there are great differences in the use and management of compensation for environmen-tal public interest litigation in practice.The legal attributes of the compensation causes problems because of the controversy in ow nership attributions,the key factor for the use and management of compensation for environ-mental public interest litigation.Although the state doesn't own the environmental restoration cost,and it is not the subject of ownership in the compensation for environmental public interest litigation,the state should carry out subordinate management of the compensation to ensure it is used in ecological governance areas.



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