首页> 中文期刊>大理学院学报 >从缅籍学生跨境入学看云南边境教育对外开放的挑战——基于德宏傣族景颇族自治州的调查




The cross-border enrollment of Myanmar students in the Yunnan border areas highlights the unique advantages of Yunnan in international exchanges of education and culture.However,a field study finds that the schools in Yunnan border areas,especially the Country Gateway Schools, are facing multiple challenges in recruiting students from Myanmar, including the lack of admission policies, difficulties in student management, poor pathways for students to enter higher schools, shortage of school buildings and facilities and shortage of teachers.This paper presents that our government need to increase the border education investment,integrate foreign students into the enrollment plan and in school construction planning in border regions,issue policies to recruit foreign students for border schools,and widen the channels for their study after compulsory education.%云南边境地区缅籍学生跨境入学现象,凸显云南在与周边国家教育与文化交流中的独特优势.但实地调查发现,云南边境地区学校尤其是"国门学校"在招收缅籍学生方面面临多重挑战,包括招生政策依据不足;学生学籍管理困难、升学渠道不畅;校舍资源紧张和师资短缺现象严重.推动云南边境教育对外开放,应切实增加边境地区教育投入、将外籍学生人数纳入边境地区学校建设规划、出台边境学校外籍学生招生管理办法、打通外籍学生升学瓶颈.



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