首页> 中文期刊>池州学院学报 >方东美论道家之'道'的四维呈现




宗教家、哲学家方东美先生多次主张宗教亦哲学,在宗教和哲学之间走一条融通之路,他以道为超越本体,抓住道的"非理性与理性"相结合特性,构成其机体主义哲学根本.在此道的精神指引下,道家之"道"的内涵表现为道体、道用、道相、道征融为一体.道体是"有"与"无"的统一体,展现出道宗、道根、道一、道型、道无、道极的特征.道家之道"建之以常、无、有,主之以太一","空虚以不毁万物为实",在"贵无"的同时并不"贱有",也就是说,此道用无穷.从本体和作用两个方面来看道之性相或道之属性与含德,即为道相,分为两类,一为天然性相,一为人为性相.道征指的是高明圣德的当下呈现.圣人代表了超脱解放的精神和救人救世的精神,使自然"无"为之道和人"有"为之道融会贯通起来.%Religious philosopher Mr Fang Dongmei often advocates that religious is philosophy. This is a harmoni-ous way between religion and philosophy. Beyond the body, he takes the characteristics of the organism philoso-phy of"non rational and rational"combination .Under the guidance of the spirit, the Taoism shows primitive of Tao, function of Tao, image of Tao, the characteristics of Tao. The Taoist builds in"being"and"no". From two as-pects of ontology and function ,the Tao is divided into two categories, one is natural and the other is artificial. The characteristics of Tao mean presenting now. On behalf of the liberation, Saint represents transcending spirit and the salvation spirit, and makes contacts between natural"no"and the people's"being".



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