首页> 中文期刊>长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版) >后现象学思想解惑--唐·伊德技术哲学的实用主义与解释学维度




To take post-phenomenology as some kind of Husserl's transcendental phenomenology is a misreading in-stead of a right way to understand D Ihde's philosophy of technology.Since the divergence on some fundamental con-cepts such as epoch and variation,post-phenomenology can only be taken as some kind of revised phenomenology. Actually,the deviation of post-phenomenology from its classic version is a result of learning from J.Dewey's Prag-matisim especially in ontology and epistemology.P.Ricoure's phenomenological Hermeneutics and his idea on a gen-eralized notion on text set a sketch for post-phenomenology as a philosophy of technology to inquiry the meaning of artifacts.These two dimensions,the pragmatic and the hermeneutic,of D.Idhe's philosophy of technology are two important but neglected elements in the explanation of Ihdeology.%用胡塞尔先验现象学的立场来理解作为技术哲学的后现象学,这是对唐·伊德思想的一种误解。由于在悬置和变更等基本概念上与胡塞尔现象学出入甚大,后现象学只能算是一种修正主义的现象学;在哲学观和技术观上,后现象学更多地是汲取了杜威实用主义的观点;利科的解释学及对文本概念的广义理解,决定了后现象学必然是一种以探究人工物的意义为旨归的物的解释学。在理解伊德技术哲学时,实用主义和解释学是两个重要、但被忽略的维度。



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