


During 1912—1927, Russell puts forward a unique metaphysical system, i.e. the theory of logical construction, to respond to the challenge of skepticism. In order to make the existence of physical objects and the knowledge about them real and reliable, the constituents used to claim that the physical objects must be definite. He stands by the side of the classical British empiricism and believes that only the objects which can be acquainted directly are truly fixed and they are the foundation of the whole knowledge. There are two kinds of constituents approved by Russell, sense-data and sensibilia, the distinct definitions of which compose the concrete content of Russell’s theory of sense-data.%为了应对怀疑论的挑战,1912—1927年间罗素发展出了逻辑构造理论这种独具特色的形而上学体系。要使物理对象的存在及对其的知识变得确实可靠,用来对其进行构造的要素一定是确定的。他坚定地站在英国古典经验论传统一边,认为只有直接能亲知的对象才是完全确定的,是一切知识的基础。罗素认可的构造元素有两个,即感觉材料和森斯比利亚(sensibilia),他对这两类要素的独特界定构成了他感觉材料理论的具体内容。



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