首页> 中文期刊> 《渤海大学学报(自然科学版)》 >玻尔兹曼常数的Multisim仿真实验测试




In this paper , Multisim simulation software is used to build the virtual simulation experiment cir-cuit, and the scheme of Multisim simulation experiment and the method of parameter setting are given .The dif-fused current of PN junction varies exponentially with voltage , which is the physical characteristics of PN junction and the experimental principle of the Boltzmann constant .The experiment is in accordance with FD -PN-2 model given by the PN junction physical properties determination instrument experiment circuit and component model.The virtual simulation experiment circuit and the experiment process are easy to understand and help to raise the experimental level and the teaching effect .In the simulation experiment , the voltage on the emitter of the triode is changed by adjusting the resistance , so that the output voltage is changed .The experimental data are analyzed by linear function , power function and exponential function .Comparing standard deviation and cor-relation coefficient , the fitting curve is exponential curve .At room temperature , the calculated Boltzmann con-stant is quite close to the experimental values .The test circuit of the simulation experiment is simple , the experi-ment process is clear and intuitive , the voltage regulation is convenient , and the data calculation result is more accurate .The simulation experiment will help students create a good simulation environment , and improve the experimental level and teaching effect%PN结正向扩散电流随正向电压按指数规律变化,这是PN结的物理特性,也是玻尔兹曼常数实验测试原理,按照FD-PN-2型PN结物理特性测定仪所给出的实验线路及元器件型号,在计算机上应用Multisim仿真软件构建虚拟仿真实验电路进行虚拟实验,给出了Multisim仿真实验方案及参数设置方法.在仿真实验中,通过调整可变电阻改变三极管发射结上的电压,以实现输出电压的改变.对得到的数据,用最小二乘法进行线性回归、乘幂回归和指数回归,对比标准偏差、相关系数,分析实验数据与几种函数的拟合情况,确定拟合的曲线为指数规律变化曲线,在室温条件下,计算玻尔兹曼常数的结果与公认值相当接近.该虚拟仿真实验测试电路简洁,实验过程直观明了,电压调节方便,数据计算结果较为精确,有助于学生创建良好的仿真实验环境,提升实验水平和教学效果.



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