首页> 中文期刊> 《北京中医药大学学报(中医临床版)》 >肾络微型癥瘕理论指导下的活血化瘀法治疗慢性肾功能不全的应用




目的:探讨吕仁和教授治疗慢性肾功能不全( CRF)用药和配伍规律。方法对门诊经吕仁和教授治疗的49例CRF患者的病案进行回顾性研究,运用频数分析方法,探索其用药规律。结果治疗总有效率81.6%,涉及处方580张、184种药物(分为17类)。其中使用频率较高的药物为活血化瘀类(丹参使用率最高,达76.55%),其次为补益气血类、清热类、理气类、利水渗湿类、滋补阴阳类等。结论吕仁和教授治疗CRF疗效确切,用药灵活独特,体现了中医药治疗CRF的特色和优势。%Objective To discuss the prescription regularity of professor LYU Renhe in treating chronic renal failure ( CRF) . Methods Retrospective study of 49 cases with CRF in clinic of professor LYU Renhe were proceeded. Results The total effective rate was 81. 6%, concerning 580 prescriptions, 184 herbs assigned to 17 speices. The most frequent herbs were promoting blood circulation for removing blood stasis, in which the appearance rate of Danshen reached 76. 55%. Following by herbs with the function of tonifying blood and qi, clearing heat, regulating qi-flowing, eliminating dampness and diure-sis,tonifying both yin and yang, etc. Conclusion There is an extract effect for professor LYU Renhe in treating CRF, the prescriptions were flexible and peculiar, which shows the advantage and feature of tra-ditional Chinese medicine.



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