首页> 中文期刊>听力学及言语疾病杂志 >天津市中小学教师咽喉疾病及嗓音状况调查分析




目的 了解天津市中小学教师职业用嗓情况,为制定嗓音疾病防治和康复计划提供科学依据.方法 对天津市71所中小学校及幼儿园的3 555名教师进行了咽喉疾病及嗓音健康状况普查(包括问卷调查及耳鼻咽喉专科检杳).结果 教师咽喉及嗓音疾病总患病率为46.6%,其中慢性咽炎占28.0%,其次为慢性喉炎(17.2%)和慢性扁桃体炎(6.2%),声带小结和声带息肉分别占3.6%和1.3%.嗓音疾病患病率随教龄增长而增高,男性高于女性,吸烟者高于不吸烟者,中学教师患病率低于小学与幼儿园教师患病率,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);而小学和幼儿园教师患病率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 教师是咽喉及嗓音疾病的高发人群,应加强对教师进行咽喉及嗓音疾病的预防宣传和保健工作.%Objective A prevalence survey of professional vocalization of teachers was conducted in Tianjin to provide scientific data for the future prevention and treatment of voicing problems. Methods 3 555 teachers from 71 schools of Tianjin were included in this study, including questionnaire and otolaryngology test. Results The prevalence of voice disorders was 46.6%. The prevalence of various voice disorders were as follows: 28. 0% for chronic pharyngitis, 17. 2% for chroniclaryngitis,6.2% for chronic tonsillitis,3.6% for vocal nodules and 1.3% for vocal polyp respectively. There was a significant difference in prevalence between males and females, between smokers and non-smokers, between different school age groups, between middle-school teachers and primary-school teachers and nursery-school teachers. But there was no significant difference in prevalence between primary- school teachers and nursery- school teachers. Conclusion The studies have revealed that the teachers had a higher occupational risk ,The main risk factors for voice disorders were vocal loading and vocal abuse. The government, the school and the whole society should take more concern about the problem.The scientific strategies of prevention and treatment were urgently needed to be developed and implemented.



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