首页> 中文期刊>美育学刊 >童心与同情的美学——丰子恺漫画中的幽默




While reading Feng Zikai's comic strips, one can't help being attracted and touched by the humor that is peculiar to "Zikai's Comics", a humor the aesthetic import of which can be defined as simple drawing, childlike curiosity and sym- pathetic rendition. Simple drawing means using a minimum of strokes and forms to draw the picture and convey the spirit; childlike curiosity means putting oneself in the shoes of a child and then seeing the world through a child's eyes and experien- cing the world with a child's heart; sympathetic rendition means blending the cartoonist's feelings with the thing that is drawn, a state in which subject and object intermingle.%读丰子恺的漫画,你会被一种独属于“子恺漫画”的幽默所吸引、感动和愉悦。“子恺漫画”的幽默的美学内涵就是简约的描绘、童心的趣味和同情的表现。简约的描绘,是指“子恺漫画”是用非常简约的笔墨和形式描绘图像,简约传神。童心的趣味,是指返身为儿童,用儿童的眼睛看世界、用儿童的心灵体验世界。同情的表现,是指漫画将自我的情感与描绘对象化为一体,表现的是这种主客交融的境界。



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