首页> 中文期刊>美育学刊 >从'微信交响曲'和'微电影交响曲'看谭盾近作的文化意涵




Tan Dun is one of the most active composers in contemporary China, and has attracted much attention with innovative and bold music practice.In recent years, he introduced into musical composition new media which were permeated with public life, thereby creating unique multimedia works, of which symphonies Passacaglia: Secret of Wind and Birds and Long Rigelon created for the social software Wechat and symphony Women′s Book integrated into "Micro-Film" are but representative pieces.These works have a bold, avant-garde form, reflecting the composer′s keen insight into and sure grasp of current social life and dissolving the gap between life and elegant art.More importantly, they employ the composer′s unique musical vocabulary to provide a connection between music and primeval nature and earthy life and demonstrate the far-reaching cultural significance of folk music in linking up past with future and sustaining life.%谭盾是我国当代最活跃的作曲家之一,以创新与大胆的音乐实践而备受瞩目.近年,谭盾将各类渗透于大众生活中的新媒介引入音乐构思,创作了别出心裁的多媒体作品.为社交软件"微信"创作的"微信交响曲"《帕萨卡利亚:风与鸟的密语》《隆里格隆》以及融合"微电影"创作的《女书》是其中的代表之作.这些作品形式大胆、前卫,反映了作曲家对于当下社会生活的敏锐体察和捕捉,消解了生活与高雅艺术之间的区隔.更重要的是,这些作品以作曲家独有的音乐语汇承载了音乐与原始宁静的自然、与最具泥土气息的生活的关联,以及作为连接过去与未来并延续生命的力量的民间音乐中所渗透的丰富而深远的文化意义.



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