首页> 中文期刊>国际医药卫生导报 >采用三维图像测量胫骨平台内翻角度的应用研究



目的 测量正常围人胫骨平台的内翻角度,为国人行全膝关节置换术(TKA)时股骨假体外旋放置的角度提供参考依据.方法 分析80个正常国人膝关节的CT资料,于三维图像中分别测量并比较胫骨平台内翻角(PT角)及小腿机械轴垂直线与双侧股骨髁远端切线的夹角(FT角),将所得数据同西方人的相关数据进行比较分析.结果 正常国人平均PT角为4.30°,FT角为4.49°,两者比较差异无显著性(P>0.05),国人的PT角及FT角均显著大于西方人的相关数据,比较差异有极显著性(P<0.01).结论 正常国人的PT角和FT角无差别,国人的PT角及FT角均大于西方人.%Objective To measure the varus inclination of the proximal tibial of normal human knees and determine how many degrees should the femoral prothesis be externally rotationed during TKA for Chinese.Methods To analyse 80 CT images of normal human knees as subjects.Calculate and compare two angles as follows: Angle PT:angle between tibial articular margins and a line perpendicular to the tibial mechanical axis;Angle FT:angle between the transcondylar tangent and a line perpendicular to the tibial mechanical axis.Then compare our datas with that of Westemers.Resumi To normal Chinese,Angle FT has a mean value of 4.30° , and Angle FT has a mean value of 4.49° .There was no significant statistical difference between the two angles ( P>0.05 ).There were significant statistical differences between our datas of Angle FT、 Angle FT and the similar researches done by the westerners.Coochiaioos There was no difference between the Angle PT and Angle FT.Chinese has a more varus inclination of the proximal tibial than that of Westerners.



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