首页> 中文期刊> 《华中建筑》 >建筑学视角下国内乡村聚落研究解析




该文以国内近三十年以来乡村聚落研究的CNKI检索文献为资料源,以建筑学为主要研究视角兼及其他相关学科领域,对国内乡村聚落的主要研究内容与现状进行简要述评.在此基础上,对不同研究视域下纷繁复杂的乡村聚落分类进行了归纳,对比较主要的研究理论与方法进行了梳理;进而指出在乡村聚落的后续研究中,可以拓宽多学科交叉的研究视域以使研究方向更为多元,可以通过计算机的运用扩大定量研究的范围以使研究内容更为科学而精准,可以加强相关设计的探索以使研究成果更有效地与设计实践相结合.%Based on the literature review of CNKI database on rural settlements in China over the last three decades,the paper supplied a general comment on the main research contents and current situation of domestic rural settlement in China from the view of architecture as well as other related fields.On the base of the review,the paper made a conclusion on the systematization of the complicated rural settlement under different research penetrations,accompanied by an explic itassessment of the major theories and methodologies deployed in the field.After that,it conven iently put forward that the future study should be focused on emphasizing the broadening of interdisciplinary vision to make the research orientation more diversified,enhancing the quantitative research scope by computer to make the research contents more scientific and accurate,and instructing related design exploration to combine the research achievement and design practice more effectively.



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