首页> 中文期刊>华中建筑 >赣中地区传统村落公共空间特质研究——以渼陂古村为例




近年来随着我国对传统文化的重视,古村古镇的保护规划日益受到关注,赣中地区传统村落虽然数量较多,保存也较为完整,但系统性地对传统村落公共空间进行梳理和整理的较少.该文以被誉为"庐陵文化第一村"①的渼陂村为例,在进行大量现场调研、测绘及相关资料整理、研究的基础上,通过对历史沿革、空间现状及空间行为类型进行分析,得出其空间特质,希望对赣中地区传统村落公共空间研究有所帮助.%In recent years, along with our country's emphasis on traditional culture, we pay more attention to the protection of the ancient village or town planning. Though the quantity of the traditional villages in Central Jiangxi region is more, relatively intact, However, systematically sorting out the traditional public space is relatively rare. Meipi village is known as the "Lu Ling first village", on the basis of field survey, mapping and related documentation, research, through the history, space present situation and space behavior types, we conclude that its spatial characteristics, we hope that it will be helpful to the public space research of the traditional villages in Central Jiangxi.



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