首页> 中文期刊>河北中医 >三氧化二砷和顺铂联用对乳腺癌裸鼠移植瘤生长抑制作用




Objective To study whether arsenic trioxide could potentiate the anti - tumor effect of cisplatin (DDP) on xenografted tumor growth of human breast cancer cell line MCF -7 in nude mice. Methods Human breast cancer cells ( MCF - 7 cells) were transplanted subcutaneously to BALB/C nude mice to generate tumors.Twenty- four nude mice bearing human breast cancer MCF -7 xenngrafted tumor were randomly divided into 4 groups,control group,arsenic trioxide group, cisplatin group and combination group. The model mice in four groups were respectively given 0.9% NaCl solution,3.0 mg/kg As2O3,0.2 mL once two days,3.0 mg/kg DDP,0. 2 mL twice a week,and combination of 1. 5 mg/kg As2O3 ,0. 2 mL once two days and 1. 5 mg/kg DDP,0. 2 mL twice a week. The tumor volumes and weight were measured respectively during the treatment. Tumor growth inhibition rate was calculated. Transmission electron microscopy was used to detect cellular ultrastructure of implanted tumor cells.Results The tumor weight and volume of the combination group were significantly different from those of other 3 groups ( P <0. 05). The nuclear fragmentation, ehromatin condensation and margination occurred in combination group. Conclusion Arsenic trioxide and cisplatin can significantly inhibit tumor growth in nude mice bearing human breast cancer cell line MCF -7 and their combination can produce a synergistic action.%目的 观察三氧化二砷(As2O3)和顺铂(DDP)联用对人乳腺癌细胞系MCF-7裸鼠移植瘤生长抑制有无增效作用.方法 建立裸鼠人乳腺癌MCF-7细胞移植瘤动物模型,成瘤后动物随机分为4组:对照组、As2O3组、DDP组、As2O3+DDP组.对照组予0.9%氯化钠注射液0.2 mL,隔日1次腹腔注射,共8次.As2O3组予As2O3 3.0 mg/kg,0.2 mL/次,隔日1次腹腔注射,共8次.DDP组予DDP 3.0 mg/kg,0.2 mL/次,每周2次腹腔注射,共4次.As2O3+DDP组予As2O3 1.5 mg/kg,0.2 mL/次,隔日1次腹腔注射,共8次;DDP 1.5 mg/kg,0.2 mL/次,每周2次腹腔注射,共4次.实验结束后,观察3 d,同时处死裸鼠.治疗期间观察并记录各组裸鼠移植瘤的生长情况及肿瘤体积和裸鼠体质量的变化.测量瘤质量、瘤体积,计算肿瘤生长抑制率,用透射电镜观察各组移植瘤组织的超微结构.结果瘤质量及瘤体积用药组明显低于对照组(P<0.05),其中As2O3+DDP组与As2O3组、DDP组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),q值= 0.96,说明药效相加.电镜下As2O3+DDP组肿瘤细胞内可见核碎裂,染色质浓缩、边集.结论 As2O3和DDP联用对抑制移植瘤生长有增效作用.



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