首页> 中文期刊> 《海南医学》 >一种新型致小鼠拟衰老模型的初步建立




Objective To study the effect of high dose of glucose on the aging of mice for a long time. Methods The KM mice were randomly divided into four groups by weight: the control group (n=8, injected with saline), D-galactose group (n=7, injected with D-galactose), D-galactose+glucose group (n=7, injected with D-galactose and glucose), and glucose group (n=7, injected with glucose). The mice in the four groups were given corresponding drugs everyday by cervicodorsal hypodermic injection for fourteen weeks. The indicators related to aging were observed and measured. Results Mice in D-galactose group, D-galactose+glucose group and glucose group became acting slack, lagging and sleepy (P<0.05). And the mice in glucose group had the brittlest erythrocyte, poorest learning memory ability, the lowest level of hydroxyproline in skin tissue, and the highest level of MDA in brain tissue (P<0.05). Conclusion Injection of High dose of glucose for a long time can induce aging in KM mice. We successfully construct the aging model of KM mice in this study.%目的 研究长期高剂量葡萄糖对小鼠衰老情况的影响.方法 将健康小鼠按体重分段法随机分为:对照组(注射生理盐水)、D-半乳糖组、D-半乳糖+葡萄糖组、葡萄糖组,每日颈背部皮下注射相应药物建立衰老模型,连续14周观察及检测相关衰老指标.结果 D-半乳糖组、D-半乳糖+葡萄糖组、葡萄糖组小鼠行为较迟缓、反应较迟钝、较嗜睡(P<0.05);葡萄糖组小鼠红细胞脆性最大、物体识别分辨能力最低、皮肤羟脯氨酸含量最低、脑组织MDA含量最高(P<0.05).结论 高剂量葡萄糖长期反复注射对昆明小鼠有致拟衰老的作用,且此作用似乎优于传统的D-半乳糖模型.本实验为建立一种新型致小鼠衰老模型提供了初步的实验基础.



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