首页> 中文期刊> 《科教导刊》 >高职东南亚语种人才培养中多语教学的思考




With the accelerated construction of the China- ASEAN Free Trade Area, the Southeast Asian languages professional personnel needs and school size are rising sharply. Higher Vocational Southeast Asia Language Teaching process are faced with the problem of the teaching of Southcast Asian languages, English, Chinese language and culture of multilingual teaching and professional direction. On the basis of analysis of the ASEAN countries, language policy and vocational Southeast Asia Language Teaching status quo, how to balance the higher vocational language talent in Sour.Mast Asia culture of Southeast Asian language, English, profressional direction, the Chinese language and national culture, education, multilingual education recommendations for reference.%随着中国-东盟自由贸易区建设的加快,东南亚语种专业的人才需求和办学规模都急剧上升。高职东南亚语种专业教学过程中都面临东南亚语种、英语、汉语言文化的多语教学和专业方向课程教学的问题。本文在分析东盟国家语言政策和高职东南亚语种专业教学现状的基础上,就如何兼顾高职东南亚语种人才培养中东南亚语、英语、专业方向、汉语及民族文化教育的多语教学问题提出了建议以供借鉴。



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