首页> 中文期刊>广西民族研究 >明代土司出任流官的途径、 原由及特点研究

明代土司出任流官的途径、 原由及特点研究



Mainly established in the southwest of China and its surrounding areas , the Tusi system was an effective administrative system in terms of maintenance the unity of a multi -national state in Yuan , Ming and Qing dynasties.In Ming dynasty, the imperial court bestowed the minority chieftains who were a-warded military glory or diligent in rendering tribute the same treatment as the Han officials .It even ap-pointed minority chieftain as officials in other places .Not only did the act consolidate the relationship be-tween the imperial court and Tusi , but it also made positive contribution to unity of the motherland and the stability of frontier areas.%土司制度是我国元明清时期维护多民族国家统一的有效行政管理制度, 该制度实行区域主要是在我国西南及其毗邻地带. 有明一代, 朝廷依法, 对那些建立军功、 勤于纳贡的土司授予流官待遇, 甚至委任土司直接出任流官, 此举不仅巩固了明廷与土司的关系, 对于祖国统一、 边疆稳定亦做出了积极贡献.



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