首页> 中文期刊>全球教育展望 >成为批判反思型教师:内涵及其途径——托马斯大学Stephen D.Brookfield教授访谈

成为批判反思型教师:内涵及其途径——托马斯大学Stephen D.Brookfield教授访谈



Professor & Dr. Stephen D. Brookfield's research on teachers' reflection comes from the tradition of critical theory. He states that as a teacher, reflection is a way of learning. When teachers are trying to practice being critically reflective, they just become much more self aware as an adult learner, they are constantly learning about themselves, about their relationships with colleagues, about how they influence students. So, it's important for teachers deliberately try to understand better the power dynamics in the classroom ;it's important to make sure that power and authority has been used responsively and helpfully to support students' learning, instead of being used in the way that students experience as unfair or unhelpful, or intimidating: He points out that every teacher can use the four lenses of students'eyes, colleagues'perceptions, theory and autobiography to investigate the assumptions they hold that inform their teaching , and improve their practice.%斯蒂芬.D.布鲁克菲尔德(Stephen D.Brookfield)教授从批判理论的传统出发来探讨教师的反思。他将反思看作教师不断学习、探究自己教学的方式。当教师开展批判性反思时,他们实际上是对自己作为成人学习者有更清晰的意识;通过反思,教师持续地了解自身,了解他们与同事的关系,了解他们如何对学生施加影响。批判反思型教师不断质疑自己带到教学中的前提假设,尤其是课堂中的权力关系及其相互转换;确保课堂中的权力和权威被负责任地使用从而有助于支持学生的学习,而不是被误用或滥用而使学生感到不公或无益,或者是被胁迫或压制。他提出,每一位教师都可以运用从学生那里收集来的反馈信息、同事的感受、理论学习和对自身经验的反思这四条途径来探查自身的教学假设,寻求教学实践的改善。



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