首页> 中文期刊>食品科学 >宁波市售3种食用鱼类中多氯联苯残留特征及其健康风险评估




对宁波市场销售的3种常见食用鱼类——大黄鱼、带鱼和马鲛鱼中7种指示性多氯联苯(polychlorinated biphenyls,PCBs)残留量进行分析与评价,探讨PCBs污染物在鱼类不同部位中的组成特征并进行人体健康风险评估.结果表明:3种鱼肉中PCBs含量由大到小分别为大黄鱼(3.82±1.20) μg/kg、带鱼(2.00±1.32) μg/kg和马鲛鱼(1.36±0.40) μg/kg.其中,带鱼中PCB52含量最高,为(0.78±0.07) μg/kg,马鲛鱼和大黄鱼均以PCB153含量最高,马鲛鱼为(1.59±0.10) μg/kg,大黄鱼为(0.33±0.09) μg/kg;3种鱼类不同部位PCBs平均含量由大到小分别为皮(3.87 μg/kg)、性腺(2.57 μg/kg)、肝脏(2.53 μg/kg)、鳃(1.95 μg/kg)和肌肉(1.57 μg/kg).根据GB 2762-2012《食品中污染物限量》中关于海产食品中PCBs允许限量(不大于0.5 mg/kg)的规定,3种鱼类中PCBs残留量在可接受的范围内.%This study analyzed and evaluated seven residual polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in three commercial fish species in Ningbo,including large yellow croaker,ribbon fish and Scomberomorus commerson.We examined the characteristics of PCBs contaminants in different tissues of fish and conducted risk assessment for human health.The results showed that the residual concentrations of PCBs in three fish species were in the decreasing order of large yellow croaker (3.82 ± 1.20) μg/kg > ribbon fish (2.00 4 1.32) μg/kg > S.commerson (1.36 ± 0.40) μg/kg.Among all the PCBs tested,the concentration of PCB52 in ribbon fish was the highest,which was (0.78 ± 0.07) μg/kg,while for large yellow croaker and Scomberomorus commerson,the most dominant PBC contaminants were PCB153,at levels of (0.33 ± 0.09) and (1.59 ± 0.10) μg/kg,respectively.For all three fish species,the average concentration of residual PCBs tested in different tissues followed the decreasing order of skin (3.87 μg/kg) > sexual gland (2.57 μg/kg) > liver (2.53 μg/kg) > gill (1.95 μg/kg) > muscle (1.57 μg/kg).However,according to the National Food Safety Standard GB 2762-2012,the residue levels of PCBs in three fish were all within an acceptable range.



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