首页> 中文期刊>食品研究与开发 >通过添加棕榈油提高一级豆油煎炸效果的方法




煎炸过程中会产生大量的有害物质,随着人们对食品卫生安全要求的不断提高,如何保证煎炸食用油的安全性和延长煎炸油的使用期,已成为厄待解决的问题。针对一级豆油的煎炸稳定性不好的缺点,向一级豆油中添加棕榈油来进行煎炸实验,并以一级豆油做对比,通过对比两种油脂煎炸后的理化指标来分析添加棕榈油是否能够提高一级豆油的煎炸效果。通过实验可以得出,煎炸后,添加了棕榈油的一级豆油其酸价、色泽、油烟方面与一级豆油基本相似,但是其煎炸稳定性更好,吸油量更小,在风味方面也更佳。因此可以得出结论,通过添加棕榈油可以提高一级豆油的煎炸效果。%Frying process producing a large number of harmful substances, with the constant improvement of people's requirements on food hygiene and safety , how to guarantee the safety of frying oil and extend the lifetime of frying oil has become an urgent problems to be solved. In order to improve the frying stability of soybean oil ,add palm oil to soybean oil to do the fry experiment .Analyze whether adding palm oil to soybean oil can improve the fry effect of soybean oil by comparing soybean oil with blend oil in change of physical and chemical index in the process of fry .The result showed that blend oil is similar to soybean oil in the aspect of acid value ,colour and lampblack .Blend oil have a good frying stability , small oil absorption and good flavour compared with soybean oil. So we can conclude that by adding palm oil can improve the effect of frying soybean oil.



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