首页> 中文期刊>爆破器材 >乳化炸药稳定性测试方法研究




The circulation of high and low temperature combined with detonation velocity, conductivity and the amount of potassium nitrate precipitation was carried out to evaluate the stability of emulsion explosive. The relationship between these stability characterization methods was discussed and experimental schematic was designed. The results show that with the increase of high and low temperature cycles, the explosion performance of emulsion explosives decreases gradually, while the conductivity and AN precipitation increase gradually, presenting a similar change trend. The conductivity increases more significantly after 18 high and low temperature cycles, and demulsification exacerbates in the range of 18 to 30 cycle days. In addition, emulsion explosive detonation velocity decreases gradually and the misfire happens after 27 cycles. The natural conservative days corresponding to the cyclic days between high and low temperature can be deduced through the detonation velocity comparison under two different temperature conditions. For example, preservation at high and low temperature cycle 5 days is equivalent to a natural storage for 76. 6 days.%采用高低温循环试验测试样品的爆速值、电导率和硝酸铵析出量,综合分析各测试方法的结果来评估乳化炸药的稳定性,并设计了实验原理图.实验研究表明:随着高低温循环次数的增加,乳化炸药的爆炸性能逐渐下降,电导率和AN析出量逐渐增加,且呈现相类似的变化趋势.18次高低温循环后电导率增加更显著,当循环次数在18 ~30次内,破乳现象加剧,且乳化炸药的爆速逐渐降低,在27次循环后乳化炸药发生拒爆;将常温下爆速与高低温循环的爆速对比,得到高低温循环次数对应的自然存储天数,如高低温循环5次相当于自然存储76.6 d.



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