首页> 中文期刊>英语广场(下旬刊 ) >生态翻译视角下对《林湖重游》两译本的对比分析




A fatal flaw of traditional translation theories is that they seriously underestimate the complexity of translation process by focusing on such elements as the original text, original readers, the rendered text and the target readers only separately. With such imperfection, they undoubtedly will never lead to scientific and all-round understanding or appreciation of the translation process as well as its product and can hardly avoid deviation in practice. To mend this oversight, ecological translatology attempts to grasp translation in a macro scope. Compared with the former theories which take the essence of translation as the transference of the original meaning and the readers’ response as the primary criterion for its appreciation, ecological translatology shifts the research focus onto the translator and what he can and should do in the process of translation rather than the confinements imposed on his activity. Hence,it will be more scientific and comprehensive than the previous theories as it clearly reveals the humanity, dynamics and solidness of translation . In this paper,the author compared two Chinese versions of Once More to the Lake, hoping to present the complicated process of translation more vividly to illustrate the significance of the establishment of an ecological perspective of translatology.%以往的翻译理论都是从微观层面相对分散地研究翻译中的原文、译者、译文、读者,忽视了翻译活动的复杂性,因而很难对翻译过程和结果进行科学的、全面的评估,这些理论在实际运用中也难免出现偏差。而生态翻译学试图以宏观的视角把握翻译活动,与以往关注原文意义的转换或译文对读者的影响的翻译理论相比,生态学的翻译理论以译者为翻译活动的中心,更加强调的是人的能动作用而非对人的行为的限制,它更突出的是翻译活动的过程而不仅仅是翻译活动的结果,因而它比以往的翻译理论更科学、更全面,更能体现翻译活动的人文性、动态性和立体性。因此,本文试运用翻译生态理论的翻译原则与方法对比考察美国作家E•B•怀特的著名散文Once More to the Lake的两个中译本,以期更深刻地揭示翻译过程的复杂性以及确立翻译生态观念的必要性。



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