首页> 中文期刊>教育研究 >学校教育改革中的反思能力建设




学校教育改革中,需要通过反思来纠正可能出现的方向性错误、过程管理不足或配套评判标准缺失的问题。一般来说,学校的反思能力主要包括鉴别能力、评议能力和评判能力三个维度。在当前的学校改革情境中,反思能力建设应该主要聚焦于三个方面:以理论学习和具体观察培养鉴别能力;以多元对话和研修制度建设培养评议能力:以有效反馈和标准建设培养评判能力。,%In the process of educational reform, it is necessary for the school to undertake the construction of reflective ability to correct the possible deviation from the direction, insufficient process management and the lack of judging standard. In general, a school's reflective ability mainly includes the ability to identify, review and judge. In the context of current school reform, the capacity building of the reflective ability should mainly focus on three aspects: to cultivate the ability of identification through theoretical study and concrete observation; to cultivate the ability of review through multi-element conversation and the construction of training system; to cultivate the ability of judgment through effective feedback and the establishment of standards.



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