首页> 中文期刊>经济与管理 >略论儒道释核心价值观及其生态伦理思想




忠恕是儒家的核心价值观,也是做人做事的根本法则。清净是道家的核心思想,也是产生大德大智,谋求人与自然和谐的核心理念。慈悲是佛教大乘之根本,也是超越自我,提升境界,追求众生平等,给乐拔苦的不二法门。儒道释诸教的核心思想可以相互印证,并生成大智大慧。在生态危机严峻的今天,要谋求人与自然的和谐,追求幸福祥和的生活,需要挖掘儒道释的智慧,构建生态伦理,才能促进自然界的和谐与持续,建设人类与众生真诚、平等、幸福、祥和、持续的地球家园。%Loyalty and forgiveness are the core values of Confucianism, and the fundamental principles of acting and behaving. Moral character and desire -free, the core values of Taoism, are the core principles of generating superb morality and intelligence, and of achieving a harmony between humanity and nature. Benignity and charity, the basis of Buddhism, are the only way of surpassing oneself, improving one's qualities, striving for equality of all the creatures, and giving happiness and removing sufferings. The core thoughts of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism corroborate each other, and generate superb intelligence and wisdom. In modern times, the serious eco-crisis requires digging intelligence and wisdom from Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism so as to achieve a harmony between humanity and nature, seek a happy and peaceful life, construct eco-ethics, and execute eco-engineering in the enterprise.



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