首页> 中文期刊>敦煌研究 >《忏悔灭罪金光明经传》成书年代与作者等相关问题考论




Chanhui Miezui Jinguangmingjing Zhuan tells the story of Zhang Judao: Zhang Judao went to the underworld because he killed living things and was sentenced to return to life after he vowed to finish four volumes of the Suvarnaprabhasa Sutra ( The Sutra of Golden Light) . The book has spread extensively since it was written, at present there are thirty manuscripts of this book with seven Chinese versions. Similar to the mythical stories common during the Tang dynasty, it was absurd in contents. The official titles and names of places in the text suggest that the author of the work is likely Zheng Yin and that the book should have been finished between the years 709 and 710.%《忏悔灭罪金光明经传》讲述了张居道因杀生入冥后愿造《金光明经》4卷而被判还阳的故事。自成书以来流传甚广,目前所看到的写本有30多件,汉文版本达7种。由于它是唐代志怪小说的一种,其内容虽然荒诞,但根据其所反映的官名、地名可初步推断出该传的成书时间为685年至765年。如果根据其所反映的当时社会风俗和制度情况,可进一步推论该传作者可能是郑愔,成书年代应该是709至710年。



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