首页> 中文期刊>当代教育与文化 >农村学前教育发展和普及中的文化难题及对策




Currently urbanization is the basic context of pre-school educational development and popularization in rural areas of China . It affects preschool education demand , challenges the supply of preschool educational resources , and leads to the emergence of a large number of rural preschool home-left children . Urbanization of rural migrant workers in the urbanization process , puts forward new requirements on the development of rural preschool education . T he core of urbanization is people ’ s“urbanization” , but in our country the system has long been devided between urban and rural areas , w hich form the dual fragment of rural and city cultures , and results in different annotations on the value orientation ,knowledge base ,form ,content and other aspects of preschool education in the rural areas . And this becomes the cultural problem in rural pre-school education development and popularization . Thus it calls for an explicit developmental orientation for rural preschool education principled to promoting children development , needs to ground on rural children cultivation customs , innovate organization form so as to increase the supply of rural pre-school education , adjust measures to local conditions for the creation of rural pre-school education characteristics based on the clear context of rural development .%城镇化是当下我国农村学前教育发展和普及中的基本语境。它影响农村的学前教育需求,对农村学前教育资源供应提出挑战,导致大量农村留守学前儿童的出现;城镇化进程中的农民工市民化,对农村学前教育发展提出了新要求。人的“城镇化”是城镇化的核心,但我国长期以来一直存在城乡二元割裂的制度,形成了乡村文化与城市文化的分立,二者在农村学前教育的价值取向、知识基础、形式、内容等方面有不一样的诠释,成为农村学前教育发展和普及中的文化难题。为此,农村学前教育的发展需要明确以促进儿童发展为宗旨的发展路向,立足乡村儿童教养习俗,创新机构形式,增加农村学前教育供给,在清晰农村发展语境的基础上,因地制宜的创造农村学前教育特色。



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