首页> 中文期刊>当代教育与文化 >论'自由人联合体'与人的全面发展




One of the most important topics of research on basic educational theories is that what kind of people should be cultivated and what kind of society will be constructed by these people."Community of free individuals",a term put forward by Marx to describe future society formation,is definitely the final goal of human society development,which can not only be explained by historical materialism,but also necessarily demonstrated by a scientific outlook on development.The social order that conforms to the rules of nature is based on foundational construction of culture.The"people-oriented"view is basically in accordance with scientific development.The significant historical mission of education is to construct a harmonious social order through energetically cultivating free individuals with integrated development,starting from the process of individual cultures.%培养什么样的人以及构建什么样的社会,是教育基本理论研究的一个重要话题."自由人联合体"是马克思对未来社会形态的一种表述,它是人类社会发展的必然归宿,这不仅可由唯物史观得以说明,也可以且有必要从科学发展观加以论证.符合自然根本法则的社会秩序结构基于底层起始的文化建构,以人为本从根本上就是一种科学的发展观.以个体文化过程作为社会建构的起始点,着眼于培养全面发展的自由人,以期涌现出和谐社会的秩序结构,这是教育应担负的重大历史使命.



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