首页> 中文期刊>当代教育与文化 >从萌芽到专业化:教育中介组织的历史演变考察




According to history,intermediary education organizations began with their embryonic period in non-governmental educational efforts in ancient times;then,in modern times,they developed further from social organizations of education in the process of education secularization and democratization.With the development of modernized transformation of education system,intermediary education organizations were born with multitudinous forms,and they have grown?into?maturity gradually.Due to the emergence and development of intermediary education organizations,the social service functions of education are extended and the resources of social education are enriched.Furthermore,intermediary education organizations facilitate the improvement of education level,and relieve the pressures of social needs for education,emerging from the development of economy,politics and culture.Intermediary education organizations have powerful functions in educational development and social services.%纵观教育中介组织的历史,它经历了古代民间教育组织活动的萌芽时期,在近代教育世俗化和民主化进程中由教育社会组织发展而来,在教育制度的现代性变革过程中以多彩的姿态诞生,随着教育的现代化发展而走向成熟.其产生和发展,扩展了教育的社会服务功能,丰富了社会教育资源供给,有利于教育水平的提高,有助于缓解经济、政治和文化发展所产生的教育社会需求压力,表现出强大的教育发展功能和社会服务功能.



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