首页> 中文期刊>当代教育与文化 >'互联网+'教师专业发展的实践路径初探




With the advent of the Internet Plus Era,the way of thinking,perceiving and behaving among teachers has changed,which prompts teachers to reform and develop their professional thinking,professional cognitive style and professional competence.Under the Internet Plus background,practical way to develop teachers' profession is to change from substantive thinking,which is authoritarian,insular,exclusive and coexistent to Internet thinking,which is equal,open,shared and cooperative,broadening teachers' professional knowledge and facilitating the sharing of practical knowledge by taking advantage of the Internet character(productive-interactive-shared)effectively and developing teachers' professional insight through school-based teaching and research as well as teachers' learning on the Internet.%"互联网+"时代的到来引发了教师思维方式、认知方式和行为方式的变革,并驱使教师在专业思维能力、专业认知方式和专业能力方面的变革与发展. "互联网+"教师专业发展具体包括从权威、封闭、近享、共存的实体思维向平等、开放、共享、协同的互联网思维转变;有效利用互联网"知识生产-互联-分享"特性,促成教师专业知识增长和实践性知识分享;积极开展网络校本教研和教师网络学习,进而形成教师专业洞见力等实践路径.



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