首页> 中文期刊>计算机仿真 >预瞄驾驶员模型中车辆操控问题的分析及仿真




在车辆驾驶稳定性控制优化问题的研究中,建立高效、能适应复杂路况的驾驶员模型,对于“人一车-路”闭环系统稳定性及汽车的主动安全性都具有重要意义.为了提高稳定性,提出空间方程的形式给出一种最大预瞄距离的驾驶员模型.将驾驶员模型、汽车运动学模型及稳定性控制系统有机结合,采用Lyapunov- Krasovskii泛函方法,分析了模型的“人一车一路”闭环控制系统的指数稳定性条件.运用软件MATALB建立了四轮车辆驾驶员模型,仿真结果验证了所建立的驾驶员模型方向控制的能力,同时对不同预瞄距离的车辆操控稳定性控制达到准确可靠的效果.%A mathematical driver model was given in the spatial equation form, which takes into account the previewed information of roads. Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional method was applied to the "human-vehicle-road" control system with the proposed driver model and a kinematic vehicle model. Exponential stability conditions for the closed-loop control system were obtained. By the driver model, the kinematic model and the vehicle stability control system were combined, and the optimal control theory method was used in the analysis based on the model of "human -vehicle-road" index of closed-loop control system stability condition. The driver model was simulated with MAT-ALB/Simulink. The simulation results validate the driver model and evaluate the effect of the previewed distance on the vehicle stability control.



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