首页> 中文期刊>计算机工程 >基于综合LOD因子的自适应GPU地形渲染




根据四叉树的地形分块数据组织形式,提出一种面向图形处理器(GPU)的自适应地形渲染算法.将综合细节层次因子作为地形块节点评价函数,对静态地形块误差、动态视点依赖误差和视点移动速度进行量化,在顶点着色器上实现高程值的平滑过渡,消除突跃现象,并通过添加“裙”遮盖裂缝.实验结果表明,该算法的地形自适应性较好,具有较高的帧率和GPU利用率.%In order to overcome the limitations in adaptivity of existing Graphics Processing Unit(GPU) terrain rendering method, based on the data structure of quadtree for terrain blocks, an adaptive terrain rendering method is proposed using synthetical Level of Detail(LOD) factor. The LOD evaluation function comprehensively considers three factors: the static blocks roughness error, the dynamic view-dependent error and the viewpoint moving speed influence. The vertex's height value is smoothly geomorphed in the GPU Vertex ShaderfVS) for eliminating the pops using the synthetical LOD factor. The skirts are used to avoid producing cracks. Experimental results show that the method has better adaptivity. It can obtain higher frame rates and GPU utilization ratio.



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