首页> 中文期刊>重庆社会科学 >抗战大后方歌谣的主题倾诉及其效应




The ballads in the rear area during the Anti-Japanese War is the summary and reflection of the soul voice and the emotional feel of the revolutionary people and the records and portraiture of the history of national salvation revolution of the revolutionary people who share the same enemy and hatred. They have reflected their national consciousness, agreement on the national will, the conscious experience and practice path of the internalization and practice. The ballads, which bear and reflect the record, promote the national awakening and the war will of the rear area and even the whole nation, have laid a solid foundation for the the complete victory of Anti'Japanese War.%抗战大后方歌谣是战时后方民众革命心声和思想情感的概括和反映,也是后方民众同仇敌忾、抗日救国的革命斗争历史的记载和写照.真切地反映了他们对民族观念、国家意志的认同、内化与自觉践行的心路历程与实践轨迹;正是承载这种记录和反映的歌谣,又进一步促进了大后方乃至全中国民众的民族觉醒与抗战意志,从而为取得抗日战争的完全胜利奠定了坚实基础。



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