首页> 中文期刊>中国人兽共患病学报 >海南省不明原因发热病人中钩端螺旋体病的实验检测结果分析




We investigated the situation of leptosperosis infection among patients with fever in Hainan Province in China.Blood samples of patient from Hainan Province in the year of 2015 were detected for Leptospira by microscope agglutination test (MAT),enzyme-linked immunity test (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR),respectively.Results showed that 179 blood samples of patients with fever were found,and microscope agglutination test detected 40 positive samples,with a infection rate of 22.35%.The infection rate was 21.65%(21/97) for male and 23.17%(19/82) for female.Seven groups of bac teria were found including Leptospira serogroup icterohemorrhagie,ballom group,autumralis group,pomona group,grippotyphosa group,Sejroe group and Batavia group.Thirty-eight samples were tested positive by ELISA,with a positive rate of 21.23 %,in which six samples were IgM positive (detection rate =3.35 %) and 32 samples were IgG positive (detection rate=17.88 %).Serological detected with MAT and ELISA methods results were consistent and that were tested negative by PCR.Results of our study supported the presence of Leptospira infection infection among the patients with fever of unknown origin (FUO) in Hainan Province.The main types are Leptospira serogroup icterohemorrhagie.%目的 了解海南省不明原因发热病人中钩端螺旋体病的感染情况.方法 分别用钩端螺旋体显微镜凝集试验(MAT)、酶联免疫试验(ELISA)和聚合酶链反应(PCR)法,检测海南省2015年全省不明原因发热病人的血标本.结果 共检测标本179份,其中显微镜凝集试验检出阳性标本40份,感染率为22.35%,男性感染率为21.65%(21/97),女性感染率为23.17%(19/82);菌群中有7个群能检出,分别是问号钩端螺旋体黄疸出血群、拜伦群、秋季热群、波摩那群、流感伤寒群、赛罗群、塔拉索夫群;酶联免疫试验检测阳性38份,阳性率为21.23%,其中IgM阳性6份,检出率为3.35%,IgG阳性32份,检测率为17.88%;血清学检测结果一致.PCR法检测结果均为阴性.结论 海南省不明原因发热病人中存在钩端螺旋体的感染,主要型别以黄疸出血群为主.



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