首页> 中文期刊>中华口腔医学杂志 >人转化生长因子β1基因转染牙龈成纤维细胞促进牙周组织再生的动物实验



Objective To evaluate the effects of gingival fibroblasts(GF)transfected with hTGF-β1 gene on improving the periodontal tissue regeneration for the repair of degree Ⅱ artificial furcation defects.Methotis The gingival fibroblasts transfected with hTGF-β1 gene was compounded to the cuttlebonetransformed nanometer hydroxyapatite(CBHA)material from the cuttlefish in vitro,the degree Ⅱ furcation defects on the premolars of dogs were produced surgically,and the compound was to implanted into the defect (transfected group),and compared with the compound of periodontal ligament cells(PDLC)with nanometer HA material and the compound of untransfected GF with HA.The results were examined histologically 8 weeks after operation.Results In the transfected group and the positive centrel group,more new attachment was found compared with the negative centrel(P<0.01),and the NC,NB and NC of the transfected group and the positive control group were: (2.97±0.50),(4.29±0.26)and(4.73±0.06)mm;(3.09±0.26),(4.46±0.25)and(4.69±0.10)mm,respectively.There was no significant diffeFence between the two groups(P>0.05).Although the alveolar bone regeneration was found in the untransfected group[NB=(3.46±0.32)mm],the root resorption was observed.The tracing experiment showed that the transfected GF were found in the new alveolar bene and the periodontal membrane.Conclusions GF transfected with hTGF-β1 gene can significantly improve the periodontal tissue regeneration in treatment of degree Ⅱ furcation defects and is involved in the formation of the new alveolar bone and the new periodontal membrane.%目的 评价人转化生长因子β1(human transform growth factor-β1,hTGF-β1)基因转染犬自体牙龈成纤维细胞(gingival fibroblast,GF)在治疗人工Ⅱ度根分叉骨缺损中作为组织工程种子细胞所发挥的作用.方法 将hTGF-β1基因转染后的犬自体GF作为组织工程种子细胞,与海螵蛸骨天然纳米羟基磷灰石(cuttlebone-transformed nanometer hydroxyapatite,CBHA)体外复合,制备犬下颌前磨牙区的Ⅱ度根分叉人工骨缺损模型,应用随机化完全区组设计方法将36颗犬前磨牙分为以下4组:①阴性对照组:不作任何处理直接缝合;②阳性对照组:置入牙周韧带细胞(periodontal ligament cell,PDLC)-CBHA复合物;③转染GF组:置入hTGF-β1基因转染犬GF-CBHA复合物;④未转染GF组:置入犬GF-CBHA复合物.每组9颗牙.对各组进行组织学观察和测量,并作示踪实验.结果 与阴性对照组比较,转染GF组、阳性对照组均可显著促进根分叉区牙周组织的再生(P<0.01),两组的新生牙骨质高度(NC)、新生牙槽骨高度(NB)及新生结缔组织高度(NCT)分别为:(2.97±0.50)、(4.29±0.26)及(4.73±0.06)mm;(3.09±0.26)、(4.46±0.25)及(4.69±0.10)mm,且两组之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).未转染GF组虽可促进牙槽骨再生[NB=(3.46±0.32)mm],但牙根有一定程度的吸收;示踪实验显示:转染后的GF在新生牙槽骨及牙周膜组织中均可发现.结论 hTGF-β1基因转染后的犬自体GF作为组织工程种子细胞,与CBHA体外复合后在人工Ⅱ度根分叉骨缺损的治疗中有显著的促牙周组织再牛的作用,参与了新牛牙槽骨及牙周膜的形成.



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