首页> 中文期刊> 《中国实用神经疾病杂志》 >颅脑手术患者家属疾病不确定感与应对方式的调查分析




Objective To describe the level of disease uncertainty and coping style among family members of patients in brain surgery ,and analyze the relationship between them .Methods 200 family members were investigated by demographic in‐formation questionnaire ,the parent's perception uncertainty scale -family members (PPUS -FM ) and simplified coping style questionnaire (SCSQ) .Results The total score of PPUS -FM was 96 .72 ± 10 .36 .After calculating the average score of each item in the four dimensions ,the highest score dimension was ambiguity ,followed by unpredictability ,lack of information and complexity .The average item score of coping style ,active coping style dimension and negative coping style dimension was 1 .62 ± 0 .48 ,1 .86 ± 0 .82 and 1 .25 ± 0 .51 ,respectively .The disease uncertainty and each dimension were negatively related to ac‐tive coping style dimension .The dimensions of complexity and lack of information were positively related to negative coping style dimension .Conclusion The disease uncertainty of family members of patients in brain surgery is relatively higher .The coping style ,especially active coping style dimension ,is needed to be improved .Nursing stuff should pay attention to the psy‐chological experience and care ability of family members to help the rehabilitation of patients .%目的分析颅脑手术患者家属的疾病不确定感和应对方式水平,分析两者之间的关系。方法采用一般资料调查表、M ishel疾病不确定感家属量表和简易应对方式问卷对便利抽取的200名家属进行调查。结果家属疾病不确定感总分为(96.72±10.36)分,计算条目平均分后发现,得分最高的是“不明确性”,其次是“不可预测性”、“信息缺乏”和“复杂性”。家属的应对方式、积极应对分量表和消极应对分量表的条目平均分分别为(1.62±0.48)分、(1.86±0.82)分、(1.25±0.51)分。疾病不确定感总分及各维度得分均与积极应对呈负相关,复杂性维度和信息缺乏维度与消极应对呈正相关。结论颅脑手术患者家属的疾病不确定感水平较高,应对方式水平有待进一步提高,积极的应对方式可以降低其疾病不确定感。



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