首页> 中文期刊> 《中华神经外科疾病研究杂志》 >树突状细胞瘤苗抗脑胶质细胞瘤作用体外实验研究




目的通过体外实验探讨应用树突状细胞制备的肿瘤疫苗抗脑胶质瘤的作用机制.方法培养大鼠树突状细胞,冻融法制备胶质瘤抗原,以肿瘤抗原致敏树突状细胞而制备胶质瘤疫苗.将实验动物分为4组,分别将胶质瘤疫苗、树突状细胞、生理盐水注入正常大鼠体内,到达预定时间取出大鼠脾脏,四噻唑蓝(MTT)法检测大鼠淋巴细胞活性.结果一次输入胶质瘤疫苗的正常大鼠的淋巴细胞对肿瘤细胞的杀伤活性明显低于3次输入胶质瘤疫苗的正常大鼠;比较输入培养8 d的树突状细胞和输入生理盐水的大鼠,其淋巴细胞对肿瘤细胞的杀伤活性无统计学差异.结论应用树突状细胞制备胶质瘤疫苗可明显激活体内抗肿瘤免疫反应.%Objective To discuss the mechanism of the anti-glioma activity of the tumor vaccine made from the dendritic cell in vitro.Methods Culture dendritic cells of the rat, extract the glioma antigen by freeze-melt method and then get the vaccine by pulsing the denderitic cells with the glioma antigen. The experiment rats were divided into 4 groups. The vaccine, dendritic cells and 0.9% (g/ml) chlorine sodium saline were perfused to the rats. At the prearranged time, the spleen of the rats was taken out and was examined the anti-tumor activity of the T lymphatic cell of the spleen by methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium (MTT) method.Results The anti-tumor activity of the lymphocyte of the rats which was injected with glioma vaccine once was lower than that of the rats which were injected for 3 times. There was no statistic difference between the kill activity to the glioma cells of the lymphatic cells of the rats injected with dendritic cells cultured 8 days and the lymphatic cells of the rats injected with 0.9% (g/ml) chlorine sodium saline.Conclusion Glioma vaccine made from dendritic cells can stimulate the immune activity to kill the glioma cells obviously.



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